React TL;DR – a human filter for most useful React content.

  • Mariusz Marcak

    Before You memo()

    Verify you’re running a production build. (Development builds are intentionally slower, in extreme cases even by an order of magnitude.) Verify that you ...

    Before You memo()
  • Mariusz Marcak

    React useRef By Example: What It Is, Why We Need It

    There are two use cases of useRef: Directly access DOM nodes to perform DOM operations imperatively Persist a value across rerenders, throughout the ...

    React useRef By Example: What It Is, Why We Need It
  • Mariusz Marcak

    What the heck is React Fast Refresh

    React Fast Refresh is the successor of React Hot Loader.   “React-Hot-Loader has been your friendly neighbour, living outside of React. But it ...

    What the heck is React Fast Refresh
  • Mariusz Marcak

    Incremental Builds

    Incremental Builds is a new feature in Gatsby Cloud that’ll make building your site even faster! it allows you to make content changes ...

    Incremental Builds
  • Mariusz Marcak


    This is a React hook for Portals. It helps you render children into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of ...

  • Mariusz Marcak

    5 Recommended Tools for Optimizing Performance in ReactJS:

    <Profiler /> React Developer tools why-did-you-render Performance timeline (Browser profiling) Read the full article

    5 Recommended Tools for Optimizing Performance in ReactJS: