React TL;DR – a human filter for most useful React content.

  • Żaneta Lenczewska

    React js Labs February 2024

    React Team just shared new updates on their latest discoveries and development: React Compiler is now in production, powering Instagram. Transitioning the React ...

    React js Labs February 2024
  • Mariusz Marcak

    Before You memo()

    Verify you’re running a production build. (Development builds are intentionally slower, in extreme cases even by an order of magnitude.) Verify that you ...

    Before You memo()
  • Mariusz Marcak

    React useRef By Example: What It Is, Why We Need It

    There are two use cases of useRef: Directly access DOM nodes to perform DOM operations imperatively Persist a value across rerenders, throughout the ...

    React useRef By Example: What It Is, Why We Need It
  • Mariusz Marcak

    Discovering Next.js with Guillermo Rauch

    Key takeaways: Next.js improves React development and deployment Next.js is a powerful framework around de-facto standard React Front-ends are globally distributed – Next.js ...

    Discovering Next.js with Guillermo Rauch
  • Mariusz Marcak

    6 React Best Practices For 2021

    Make use of for event handlers Avoid manually binding event handlers to this? Make use of React hooks to update your state Cache expensive operations ...

    6 React Best Practices For 2021
  • Mariusz Marcak

    Double Your React Coding Speed With This Simple Trick

    4 easy tips on how to become a faster React developer: Never format your code by hand Never import modules by hand Jump ...

    Double Your React Coding Speed With This Simple Trick