React TL;DR – a human filter for most useful React content.

  • Mariusz Marcak

    The styled-components happy path

    When we extend the component mindset to our CSS, we gain all sorts of new superpowers: The ability to know, with confidence, whether it’s ...

    The styled-components happy path
  • Mariusz Marcak

    11 Frontend tricks that most Frontend Developers don’t know about

    Interesting tricks you can do with HTML/JS/CSS, using: Datalist element Clickable label with a checkbox Child selectors Writing mode calc() function Math.round & ...

    11 Frontend tricks that most Frontend Developers don’t know about
  • Mariusz Marcak

    Next.js 10 Released

    Built-in Image Component and Automatic Image Optimization Internationalized Routing Next.js Analytics Next.js Commerce React 17 Support getStaticProps / getServerSideProps Fast Refresh Fast Refresh for MDX Importing ...

    Next.js 10 Released
  • Mariusz Marcak

    A Recap of Frontend Development in 2019

    WebAssembly becomes the 4th language of the web joining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript TypeScript usage surges — many developers fall in love React ...

    A Recap of Frontend Development in 2019
  • Mariusz Marcak

    Variable Font Animation with CSS and Splitting JS

    Instead of multiple font files to load different variants of a particular font, variable fonts allow us to load all the variations from ...

    Variable Font Animation with CSS and Splitting JS
  • Mariusz Marcak

    CSS Units Explained

    A CSS unit determines the size of a property you’re setting for an element or its content. Units that are “absolute” are the ...

    CSS Units Explained