- react
React useRef By Example: What It Is, Why We Need It
There are two use cases of useRef: Directly access DOM nodes to perform DOM operations imperatively . . .
- react
How To Write Better Functional Components in React
Memoize Data Memoize Callback Functions Decouple Functions That Don’t Rely on the Component . . .
- react
Effective State Management in React using the Context API and Hooks!
Create the context using the createContext method. Create the Provider component with the values to . . .
- react
Best Practices with React Hooks
Follow the rules of Hooks Only call Hooks at the top level Only call Hooks from function components . . .
- react
4 Nice and Simple React Hooks
useDebounce With this neat hook, you will be able to debounce a value by a delay — just like you . . .
- react
Six Ways To Get Better At React
ESLint + TypeScript Dive Deep Into Hooks Don’t Optimize Too Soon Know When To Make A New . . .