React TL;DR – a human filter for most useful React content.
Double Your React Coding Speed With This Simple Trick
4 easy tips on how to become a faster React developer: Never format your code by hand Never import modules by hand Jump ...
create-react-app 4.0 released
Fast Refresh React 17 support New JSX transform TypeScript 4 support ESLint 7 New Jest and React Testing Library rules Jest 26 PWA/workbox ...
React + TypeScript ❤️: The good parts ⚡
Pros: Code completion and type validation with type definitions. Great community and learning resources. Cons: TypeScript syntax and concepts like Generics can be hard to understand. ...
TypeScript + React: Why I don’t use React.FC
You type a function, not its arguments FC<> always imply children Easier to move to Preact React.FC<> breaks defaultProps Future-proof Read the ...
Six Ways To Get Better At React
ESLint + TypeScript Dive Deep Into Hooks Don’t Optimize Too Soon Know When To Make A New Component Concentrate On Testing When to ...
New Redux Toolkit
New APIs createAsyncThunk createEntityAdapter Bundle Size Improvements and Dependency Updates Dev Check Middleware Timings TypeScript Support Read the full article