React TL;DR – a human filter for most useful React content.
Announcing styled-components v5: Beast Mode 💪🔥
Major improvements: 31% smaller bundle size 22% faster client-side mounting 26% faster updating of . . .
Redux Now Has Hooks. A Before and After Comparison
useSelector: Pass in a function that takes the state as an argument and returns a value. Used to . . .
React: Optimize Components with React.memo, useMemo, and useCallback
With React.Memo, if a component returns the same result given the same props, wrapping it in memo . . .
Announcing React Native 0.60
React Native 0.6.0: Many improvements to the accessibility APIs React Native’s start screen . . .
The reduce ({…spread}) anti-pattern
reduce …spread belongs to a different complexity class than the optimal solutions, which is . . .
React Native Performance: Do and Don’t
Do read the docs of React, React Native and every library you are using. Using remote Images can be . . .