Tailwind CSS v4.0 Offers 5x Faster Builds


The newly released Tailwind update marks a huge improvement in the platform’s performance. Full builds are up to 5x faster, and incremental builds are over 100x faster, and that’s not all the changes. The update also includes:

  • A simplified setup that auto-detects template files, reducing the need for manual configuration.
  • A shift to CSS-first approach, as customization now happens directly in CSS, with all design tokens as native CSS variables.
  • Modernized color palette which uses P3 color space for more vivid and accurate colors.
  • Container queries with built-in support for styling based on container size.
  • Direct 3D transformations in HTML thanks to 3D transform utilities.
  • Expanded gradient support, including radial and conic gradients with interpolation modes.
  • New not-* variant that allows styling elements that don’t match a given variant or condition.
  • Dedicated Vite plugin to enhance integration and performance with Vite.
  • Automated upgrade tool that helps migrate projects smoothly to v4.0.

Check the full release notes to find out more.

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