Next.js 15 Stable Release is Live

On the 21st of October 2024, Vercel finally released Next.js 15. With its heavy focus on stability, the long-awaited update brings plenty of improvements to the framework, including:

  • Codemod CLI, which automates Next.js update process.
  • React 19 Support ensures compatibility with the latest React features.
  • Improved Caching to allow better control over cache refreshing with router.refresh().
  • Turbopack Dev, a feature which speeds up development builds for a smoother experience.
  • Unstable After API adds support for deferred tasks in server-side code.
  • Enhanced Forms intended to make forms work better with client-side navigation.
  • Server Actions Security improvements for sensitive server actions.
  • next.config.ts Support which lets developers configure Next.js using TypeScript.
  • ESLint 9 Compatibility integrated with the latest ESLint version for code quality.
  • Faster Local Development thanks to tool improvements.

To learn more, read full release notes.

Check our article to learn more about Next.js

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