OTA Updates With Expo
What is an OTA update?
Over The Air (OTA updates in short) are… updates that are sent over the air. Yeah, I know that does not explain anything but bear with me. OTA is a fantastic method to swiftly update your application without the usual delay associated with traditional updates. It enables you to bypass the App Store or Google Play store entirely when releasing an update.
It is an exclusive feature to React Native applications because of its unique functionality. They comprise two key components: native code and the JS bundle. The JS bundle, which contains about 90% of the application logic, can be completely replaced using OTA updates.
Imagine that your app has a critical bug on production and releasing a fix can take days to reach your customers. Even if a fix is a quick one for your developers, each update released to the App Store or Google Play needs to be verified before it’s approved. And this process can be a bit of a pain, especially because it can be time-consuming and sometimes costly.
And let’s face it, every hour counts because you don’t want to miss out on potential users just because your app isn’t working as it should. OTA lets you send critical bug fixes immediately without even worrying about verification times!
Interested? Let’s implement OTA in your Expo app!
Creating a New Expo Application
First, let’s start with creating a new Expo application. To do this, simply run this command in the terminal where “my-app” will be the name of your application.
npx create-expo-app my-app
This will create a new project for us and install all necessary dependencies to run the application. To test if it works it can be opened by running.
# for android
npm run android
# for ios
npm run ios
You should be seeing an app like this:
The next step is to create a new application on https://expo.dev
And then link it to our local application by running the command shown on the screen:
npm install --global eas-cli && \
eas init --id <id_of_your_project>
With this, we are ready to add OTA updates to our app!
Adding OTA Feature to the EXPO App
First, we need to install the expo-updates library and then configure both eas build and updates to work properly. This can be done with the following commands (please run the commands in provided order).
npx expo install expo-updates
eas build:configure
eas update:configure
After running these commands you should see some changes made to your project. The file that interests us the most is the eas.json file, it should look something like this:
"cli": {
"version": ">= 3.13.3"
"build": {
"development": {
"developmentClient": true,
"distribution": "internal",
"channel": "development"
"preview": {
"distribution": "internal",
"channel": "preview"
"production": {
"channel": "production"
"submit": {
"production": {}
This file contains the profiles for each of our build profiles. Running the “eas update:configure
” command has added a “channel” key for our profiles. This key allows us to which profile receives specific updates for our app. Don’t worry, we’ll dig into the details of channels shortly. First, let’s check if our updates work!
Pushing the First Update
Before we can check if our updates work we have to build a standalone version of our app as development or Expo Go builds are designed to always load the latest available bundle.
We will create a build with the “preview” profile which by default is intended for internal distribution to showcase the application. To do this run the following command:
eas build --profile preview --platform android
After the build is completed you can download it on https://expo.dev under the “builds” page. You can either install it on your real device by using the QR code shown after pressing the “Install” button or download an apk file by pressing the options -> download build and drag it onto your simulator.
As you launch the application you will notice one major difference right away: the absence of the Expo Go client. Your app is built in a standalone version which looks and behaves like a production version of your application. But just like before you will see the same screen as we had originally in our app saying “Open up App.js to start working on your app!”
Let’s now make a change and push it to our already-built app! Open the “App.js” file and let’s add a new text component saying “I’m from an OTA update!”.
We can easily preview the changes that we have made by running “npm run android” but these are only visible for us. To push this change to all users who have installed our app in the “preview” channel we have to run this command:
eas update --branch preview --message "Example update"
This command will create a new js bundle with the changes we have made and send it to expo servers so it is available for our users. The “message” argument is a short description of our update. We will discuss the “branch” argument later together with channels.
Let’s Check our Update!
Open the standalone app we have installed previously on the device and… there are no changes. Why is that? Let me explain.
The default behaviour of expo-updates is to check for available updates at every app launch. If there are any updates available the newest of them is downloaded in the background while the app is running without the user even noticing it.
But the app is not waiting for the updates to download before showing the user the app nor is it reloaded when the update is downloaded (but it can do that if you want).
By default, after the update is downloaded the user will be able to see the updated version of the app on the next launch. Go on and check it! After you restart the app you should see the changes!
Do keep in mind that you have to keep the app running for a couple of seconds before restarting so it has enough time to download the update.
But What About These Channels and Branches?
Right, right, channels and branches. As I said before these are used to control which “profile” of our app will receive specific updates. A build profile is always tied with a channel, and you can see this in the eas.json file. Each time you want to change the channel for a particular profile you will have to create a new build of the application.
On the other hand, there are the updates we make. They are always tied to a “branch”. When we want to push an update to a specific channel we have to link that channel to our branch. We can do this by running this command:
eas channel:edit production --branch version-2.0
We didn’t have to do that in our case because we named our branch the same as our channel. By default, channels are linked to branches with the same name.
So what does this additional layer give us? Flexibility! Let’s say that you push an update so your internal testing team can check it and you name your branch “fix-1234”. After the testing is done and the fix is confirmed you don’t have to do another push to your production channel.
Simply link your production channel to the “fix-1234” branch and your users will start receiving the update! Doing it this way ensures that no potential changes will be included in the production update and the deployed code is exactly the same like the one verified by testers.
And that’s it! But…there are things to consider.
Things to Keep in Mind
While OTA updates may seem to be the best way to deliver updates to your app they cannot be used in all scenarios.
Firstly, if you make any changes to the native code, OTA updates won’t work. Remember, OTA updates solely update the JS bundle and not the native code. Pushing an OTA update with native changes can potentially break the app for end users since the JS code may reference native modules that can not exist.
To ensure that your users always receive the correct updates for their native app version you can use the “expo.runtimeVersion
” key located in “app.json
” file. Make sure to update its value before making any changes to the native code and pushing the update.
Secondly, you shouldn’t implement new features with OTA, because such changes omit Apple and Google verification. OTA updates are typically meant for publishing bug fixes that will later be included in the base application published in the respective app stores.
Happy coding!