Pros and Cons of Jamstack

Pros and cons of Jamstack


You’ve likely heard about Jamstack architecture, the buzzword in the tech world that’s changing how we think about traditional web development. You might be wondering: are Jamstack websites the right choice for every online business and what are the pros and cons of Jamstack? We’re big fans of Jamstack development at Pagepro, but we’re also the first to say that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Jamstack has made a splash for good reason. It’s a robust approach that’s been adopted by giants like Shopify Plus and Nike, as well as in countless other sectors. These big names have turned to Jamstack for its promise of speed, security, and scalability.

Take Shopify Plus, for instance – they’ve harnessed Jamstack to power their high-traffic e-commerce platforms, ensuring smooth sailing even during the craziest of sales events.

And Nike? They’ve brought Jamstack into play for their iconic ‘Just Do It’ campaign, a clear sign that even the most established brands see value in this modern approach.

But let’s get real: despite its growing popularity and impressive use cases, Jamstack isn’t a magic bullet for every business. There are nuances to consider, and in some scenarios, it might not be the ideal fit.

So, we’re here to help you weigh the options. We’ve put together an updated list of the pros and cons of Jamstack, tailored to various business models as of 2024. Let’s see if Jamstack aligns with your business’s digital strategy!

What’s new in Jamstack?

We’re discussing here changes in Jamstack websites since 2021 because that’s when this article was first released.

There’s been a sea change in web development since 2021, and Jamstack architecture is right at the heart of it. The rise of Sanity as a content management system is a standout, charming developer with its high scores, while WordPress has seen a dip. TypeScript has been making waves too, solidifying its role in the Jamstack world.

In component models, React continues to rule, growing its market despite talks of new competitors. As for the frameworks, Next.js is still a favourite, attracting a growing user base.

When we talk about static site generators, Astro is the new star, dazzling with its UI and JavaScript innovation. Eleventy, powered by Netlify’s support, is racing up as a fast, JavaScript-based generator. And for complex projects, Hugo stands unbeaten in build speed. Next.js also stays on top, loved for its dual capabilities in server-rendered and static site generation. Read more about Next.js in our comprehensive guide!

On the CDN front, Cloudflare and Akamai are changing the game for Jamstack developers, offering groundbreaking serverless edge compute services and faster API responses. This marks a shift towards a more decentralized, performance-focused approach in web development, boosting the user experience and reducing costs.

You know, it’s fascinating to see how Jamstack isn’t just keeping pace with the latest tech trends – it’s actually shaping them. It’s becoming a go-to choice. And we’re seeing a surge in interest from a range of industries. Customers are reaching out to us more than ever, confident that Jamstack is the solution they’ve been looking for. It’s a real game-changer.

Chris Lojniewski, CEO at Pagepro

Pros And cons of Jamstack

The main pros of Jamstack

Jamstack benefits

Higher Page Load Speed and Core Web Vitals:

Jamstack’s reliance on pre-rendered content and static files, including static HTML files and static assets, significantly influence page load speed, a vital factor in modern web development architecture.

This approach reduces the time to first byte (TTFB), essential for quick page loading. Enhanced core web vitals directly benefit user experience and search engine rankings, making Jamstack sites highly favourable from Google’s perspective.

We all know that page load speed directly impacts SEO efforts, and Jamstack offers a competitive benefit, ensuring web pages and apps load swiftly and efficiently. For developers, this means building websites that load quickly and rank higher in search results, driving higher organic traffic.

Better SEO Capabilities:

The static nature of Jamstack sites leads to faster indexing by search engine crawlers. This is especially valuable for companies looking to establish their digital business card online. Improved load times translate to higher SEO rankings and increased visibility.

By serving content directly from CDNs, Jamstack reduces server response times, a key factor in Google’s ranking signals. This setup is ideal for ecommerce platforms and web shops, where engaging customers through speedy page loads can significantly impact conversion rates and site loyalty. Additionally, the static nature allows for better control over meta descriptions and structured data, further improving SEO efforts.

Icons showing reasons to use Jamstack

Increased Reliability and Security:

Jamstack’s approach of serving pre-built static pages reduces the risk of server-side vulnerabilities, common in traditional web development. This static approach limits potential attack vectors, making websites and web apps more secure against common web threats.

For businesses that rely heavily on their online presence, such as ecommerce platforms, this increased security means safeguarding customer data and maintaining trust. Furthermore, the inherent security of static websites built with Jamstack translates to fewer errors and higher reliability, key for maintaining site loyalty among online shoppers.

Scalability and Flexibility:

The decoupled architecture of Jamstack allows for greater scalability and flexibility in web development. It simplifies the process of scaling up or down based on traffic, making it ideal for managing multiple websites or landing pages.

This scalability is particularly beneficial for businesses that experience fluctuating levels of web traffic, as it allows for efficient handling of traffic spikes without the need for significant infrastructure changes. The flexibility of Jamstack also extends to integrating various static site generators and content management systems, enabling web developers to tailor solutions that best fit their project requirements.

Better Handling of Web Traffic:

Jamstack’s use of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) enables efficient distribution of content, ensuring robust handling of sudden traffic spikes and maintaining consistent site performance.

This is crucial for websites that experience variable web traffic, such as during marketing campaigns or seasonal events. By leveraging CDNs, Jamstack sites can serve content faster and more reliably, even during periods of high demand.

This setup improves page load speed and additionally contributes to a better user experience, crucial for maintaining site loyalty and engaging customers effectively.

Reduced Dependency on Backend Systems:

Jamstack’s static nature means that the site does not rely heavily on backend systems, which reduces server load and potential points of failure. This reduction in backend dependency is particularly advantageous for web developers who seek to build highly available and resilient web apps and websites.

The static approach of Jamstack minimizes the risk of downtimes and service interruptions, ensuring that the web page remains accessible even under challenging conditions. This feature decides about the awesome load capacity of websites but also leads to fewer errors and greater stability.

Improved Developer Experience:

The separation of front-end and back-end in Jamstack streamlines the development process, allowing developers to focus on the user interface without backend constraints. This clear separation strenghtens productivity and reduces complexity, making Jamstack an attractive option for web developers looking for efficiency and ease of use.

Developers can leverage various static site generators and content management systems to create dynamic sites with rich features and functionalities. Additionally, the use of headless content management systems provides further flexibility in content management and distribution, enabling developers to build custom landing pages and ecommerce platforms with ease.

Ever since I started working with Jamstack, it’s like I’ve hit a new level of effectiveness in building websites and web apps. With Jamstack, I can mix and match a variety of tools and technologies to tailor solutions that perfectly fit our customers’ needs. It’s incredibly empowering to have that flexibility and to see the direct impact it has on our projects.

Jakub Dakowicz CTO at Pagepro
Jakub Dakowicz, CTO at Pagepro

In summary, Jamstack’s architecture offers a multitude of benefits for modern web development, aligning with the latest trends and demands.

Ready to start your journey with Jamstack?

Key Benefits of Jamstack for CTOs

Peak Performance and Optimized Efficiency

Jamstack sites, known for their pre-rendered content, offer unmatched performance. This aspect is crucial nowadays – milliseconds in load time can significantly impact user engagement and satisfaction. Implementing Jamstack means deploying websites that are faster but also provide a smoother user experience, crucial for retaining visitors and converting them into customers.

Cost-Effective Scalability

Utilizing Jamstack architecture allows for hosting static files on Content Delivery Network (CDN), which is a game-changer in managing web traffic. This approach can lead to substantial cost savings, particularly for scale-ups and enterprises that experience high traffic volumes. The ability to scale without incurring significant infrastructure costs is a key advantage, enabling CTOs to allocate resources more effectively.

Simplified Site Maintenance

Maintenance becomes more manageable with Jamstack. Static sites, by their nature, require less ongoing backend upkeep, reducing the need for a large backend team. This ease of maintenance frees up your tech teams to focus on innovation and development, rather than getting bogged down with constant site issues.

Accelerated Project Lifecycle

The decoupling of front-end and back-end in Jamstack allows for more agile development processes, leading to faster time-to-market. This rapid deployment capability is essential for businesses in competitive markets where being first can define market leadership.

Easier Global Reach

With a content delivery network at its core, Jamstack ensures that content is delivered quickly and efficiently worldwide. This is especially critical for global businesses targeting diverse geographic locations. Fast, reliable content delivery enables for better user experience globally, a significant factor in building a wide customer base.

Robust Security Framework

Security is a paramount concern for CTOs, and Jamstack’s static nature inherently reinforce website security. By minimizing dynamic server-side processes, Jamstack reduces the attack surface, providing a more secure environment for user data and business operations.

Data-Driven User Experiences

With Jamstack, it’s easier to implement analytics and data tracking tools. This enables businesses to gather valuable insights into user behaviour, which can be leveraged to tailor user experiences and improve service offerings.

Future-Proof Technology

As technology evolves, Jamstack’s flexible and modular structure ensures that it remains relevant. It allows integration with the latest web technologies, keeping businesses at the forefront of digital innovation.

Cons of Jamstack

Dynamic Content Management: The static nature of Jamstack website may require additional strategies to handle dynamic content, such as using serverless functions or third-party services.

Complexity in Headless CMS Management: Managing headless content management system can introduce complexity in managing Jamstack website, particularly when integrating with various APIs and services.

Integration Challenges: Integrating Jamstack with certain traditional web development frameworks can require additional configuration and customization efforts.

Preparing for the Future with Jamstack

Jamstack’s alignment with emerging trends and technologies in web development is undeniable. As we look towards the future, here’s how Jamstack is setting the stage:

Evolving with Modern Web Development Architecture: Jamstack remains at the forefront of modern web development architecture, adeptly integrating with static site generators and content management systems.

Leveraging Advanced Content Delivery Networks: The use of content delivery networks is central to Jamstack, ensuring static websites and landing pages are quickly accessible across various web servers and mobile devices.

Stronger SEO and Better User Experience: Jamstack’s approach significantly boosts page load speed, a key factor for SEO efforts and higher organic traffic from search engine crawlers.

Adapting to Dynamic Web Needs: Although traditionally focused on static pages, Jamstack is increasingly incorporating dynamic features for more interactive and engaging web apps and ecommerce platforms.

Scaling for Business Growth: Jamstack’s scalability is vital for businesses looking to expand their online presence, offering awesome load capacity and quick page loading, critical for engaging customers and maintaining site loyalty.

Future-Proofing Through Flexibility: Jamstack’s flexible architecture is ideal for building everything from static site generator-based simple static pages to complex dynamic sites, ensuring readiness for future web development challenges and opportunities.

When to Use Jamstack: Optimal Use Cases

youtube video about when to use and when not to use jamstack

eCommerce Websites

Jamstack is particularly suited for web shop, where performance and user experience are critical. It accelerates the deployment of new features, reinforce SEO, and handles heavy traffic with ease. For scale-ups in the eCommerce sector, Jamstack offers a robust platform to support the rapid growth of the business online and adapt to changing market demands.

SaaS and Downloadable Software

For SaaS providers and downloadable software platforms, Jamstack offers unparalleled customization freedom. It facilitates excellent SEO and streamlined user experiences. Importantly, it supports marketing initiatives in SaaS companies, reducing the need for constant developer intervention. This aspect is crucial for scale-ups, enabling them to focus more on innovation and less on technical maintenance.

B2B Services and Companies

Jamstack is ideal for B2B services, aiding in cultivating a professional online presence. It scales effectively with company growth and supports multi-language content, essential for global reach. For scale-ups in the B2B space, Jamstack can be a strategic asset in building trust and credibility in their market.

A good example here is a Green Custard, a cloud-native professional services company and AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner, helping clients innovate and deliver value back to the end-users and customers.

They reached to us because they struggle with scalability, new page creation and content management and with Jamstack we provided an extremely fast website that is easily manageable by the customer’s team. Jamstack approach in static sites like this provides an amazing website performance, just take a look at those stats:

If you want to learn more, check out full Green Custard case study.

Custom Landing Pages

Jamstack simplifies the creation of custom, engaging, and SEO-efficient landing pages without requiring advanced development skills, just by using headless CMS. This is particularly useful for scale-ups ready to grow, as it allows them to quickly test and deploy marketing strategies with minimal technical overhead.

In each of these scenarios, Jamstack stands out as a versatile and powerful solution, especially for scale-ups poised for expansion. Its ability to adapt to diverse business needs while maintaining high performance and security makes it an ideal choice across various industries.

Sum up

Recently, Jamstack is making some serious waves across web. It brings to the table lightning-fast page loads, SEO that gets your site noticed, and top-notch security that keeps things tight.

It’s not just about speed and safety though; Jamstack is a champ of scalability, effortlessly handling traffic peaks and making site maintenance a picnic.

However, it’s not all smooth sailing – managing dynamic content and diving into headless CMS can be tricky, and we have to admit – it may be much more expensive than, i.e. WordPress pages.

But here’s the real deal: we’ve put Jamstack to the test in numerous customer projects, pushing boundaries and racking up wins in diverse scenarios. And we have to admit, that for CTOs looking to up their web game, Jamstack is proving to be a savvy choice.

Still not sure if Jamstack is a good choice for you?


Chris Lojniewski

CEO at Pagepro - React & React Native software house specialising in building tailor-made web applications for clients around the world. Chris is currently spearheading a mission close to his heart: making development frictionless. His philosophy transcends the conventional, recognising that while modern tech, especially React & React Native, is a game-changer, the real revolution lies in combining cutting-edge technology with effective processes, creative exploration, and strategic foresight.

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